Package com.mchange.v2.c3p0

Interface Summary
C3P0ProxyConnection Most clients need never use or know about this interface -- c3p0-provided Connections can be treated like any other Connection.
C3P0ProxyStatement Most clients need never use or know about this interface -- c3p0-provided Statements can be treated like any other Statement.
ConnectionCustomizer Implementations of this interface should be immutable, and should offer public, no argument constructors.
ConnectionTester Define your own Connection tester if you want to override c3p0's default behavior for testing the validity of Connections and responding to Connection errors encountered.
PooledDataSource Most clients need never use or know about this interface -- c3p0 pooled DataSources can be treated like any other DataSource.
UnifiedConnectionTester Having expanded the once-simple ConnectionTester interface to support both user-specified queries and return of root cause Exceptions (via an out-param), this interface has grown unnecessarily complex.

Class Summary
AbstractConnectionCustomizer An abstract implementation of the ConnectionCustomizer interface in which all methods are no-ops.
AbstractConnectionTester Having expanded the once-simple ConnectionTester interface to support both user-specified queries and return of root cause Exceptions (via an out-param), this interface has grown unnecessarily complex.
ComboPooledDataSource For the meaning of most of these properties, please see c3p0's top-level documentation!
DataSources A simple factory class for creating DataSources.
DriverManagerDataSourceFactory Deprecated. Use the new factories in DataSources.
PoolBackedDataSourceFactory Deprecated. Use the new factories in DataSources.
PoolConfig Deprecated. as of c3p0-0.9.1.