Search engine Neeva has integrated AI generated text.

Search engine Neeva has integrated AI generated text.
I hope this year the wars will end.
but of these scenarios, which, in fact, is the counterfactual?
what if there’s a heaven for every wave that ever struck a shore?
life is a free trial.
even when tallying is perfect, i think #ApprovalVoting is usually superior to #RankedChoice for single-winner elections.
but i usually think the critique that #rcv is "complicated to implement" is a bit of a strawman (although "complicated to understand" is an important critique).
sometimes, however, the strawman rises from the haystack.
via @ben
"There are eerie parallels between the Chinese strategy for cross straights reunification in this era and America’s parallel bid to incorporate China into a Western led world order." ~Tanner Greer
// I pray this can gets kicked into a future far enough that its contours today are entirely obsoleted. Greer seems to want a kind of clear decision his own analysis suggests we won't so deliberately make.
Deliberative democracy depends on speech being referential, ie the speaker's words are referents to objects and concepts that meaningfully exist beyond the speaker. The words represent the speaker's thoughts and interests with respect to those.
But in practice speech is often instrumental: Ppl decide what to say in order to get what they want, based on the social effect they believe it will have.
cf Matt Bruenig
Pitch-perfect by @crookedfootball on misguided accusations of "collective responsibility" of citizens of a criminal tyranny. There is no righteousness, only self-righteousness, in holding people to a standard that we citizens of relatively free democracies, who can do so without consequence, are often called to and rarely meet.
I can't wait to see what it says about January 3rd.
the people you hear it from are disproportionately likely to have an agenda. which doesn’t make it wrong. or right. you just have to take it into account.
if you act before midnight, your toots will be 100% matched and have twice the impact!
Time keeps on ticking ticking ticking into the future.
Happy New Year.
time spent on the toilet is a convex function of age.
one thing i like better about here is it’s less like the old-school grocery store aisle where the tabloids were always looming and you might succumb to unwanted forms of curiosity.
i do miss weekly world news though. that at least was quality.
you wish the dead well, even though you do not know if it is too late.
@akhilrao a bit stranded and helpless, i guess!
i just see the word “tireless” and it makes me tired.
it looks like we may make it to 2023 without all being incinerated to radioactive waste. i was pretty concerned for a while. maybe still am. let’s try to stay unincinerated, this next year and for all the years to come. love, love, love.