some tips and tricks worth revisiting here. via @thepracticaldev

“the overuse of consultants is a problem, and should be restrained in most cases in favor of a professional civil service, unencumbered by politicization or an overclass of political appointees.” @Alon

the measure of a state is the prosperity of its hinterlands.

I made myself a mail alias (on fastmail) that autoarchives into a folder and sends to an address that created for me, which converts to an RSS feed.

(n.b. "Newsletter name" on "Kill the Newsletter!" just becomes the feed name, doesn't have to match anything.)

I changed my e-mail-for-substack to that address, and have all my substack subscriptions (free or paid) in my RSS reader, in a single feed and, thank goodness, out of my inbox.


anyone know what uses as a back-end? is it (i doubt it, but hey) and independent index, or do they buy from bing or what?

“Indeed, what is most extraordinary about New College is that it achieves outcomes comparable to those of some of the nation’s most elite colleges—ones that play the U.S. News selectivity game—with students who are far more representative of American society as a whole. ”

"Contrarianism is monetizable in our current media landscape. I know because I’ve monetized it."

// i love how self-aware he is about this stuff, from a very well-calibrated piece

[new draft post] Thick antitrust

“I’m not a train expert, but my understanding is that they are typically supposed to remain on the tracks.” @ryanlcooper

dear world,

if i am paying you money for a subscription and i can't have a proper full-content feed, it really pisses me off.

that is all.

@guncelawits i think we’re eventually going to teach that all things are presumptively bullshit unless you have good reason to think that the author should care about truthfulness. the notion that one should consider an argument on its own terms, regardless of provenance, will become untenable in an age of automated abundant sophistry.

“There’s a weird tendency in these debates to assume that ideas and cultural abstractions are what drive material conditions on the ground, rather than the far likelier and less mystical possibility that it’s the other way around.” , on the debt ceiling fight, from his new substack.

[new draft post] Four quadrants of Section 230ishness

// i'm taking some liberties with my new first-drafts blog. this is a bit long.

evening, a bit later.

late sunset, orange only low near the horizon, eventually pitch black above. a bright artificial light hangs low over the orange horizon, above which a new moon in the blackness, above that the bright dot of venus. late sunset, orange only low near the horizon, eventually pitch black above. a bright artificial light hangs low over the orange horizon, above which a new moon in the blackness, above that the bright dot of venus.


pink clouds superimposed over a new moon, beneath Venus, a glowing white point. pink clouds superimposed over a new moon, beneath Venus, a glowing white point.

[new draft post] Hello!

all this dystopian gloss on AI but think of the potential for automating guard labor.

“We anthropomorphize because we do not want to be alone.” @lmsacasas theconvivialsociety.substack.c

a large language model trained only on poetry.