does anybody have good dreams?

Just imagine if you could spell any word.

to describe the direction of American politics and economics as “neofeudal” used to be provocative. cf @mikethemadbiologist

“Yes, I Know Where the Comma Goes”

“the real reason I pony up is for a quality beyond straightforward ‘utility,’ a quality I usually refer to as ‘Doesn’t Make Me Wish I Was Dead.’”

so, i hear Twitter is now labeling a variety of newsfeeds “government funded” which i’m fine with i just wish they’d pair it with a similar label “plutocrat funded”.

You just never know with the humans.

there is always demand for indulgences, so it’s good that we have a nonprofit sector to meet it.

mastodon is a bit less parasocial than twitter, which should be a virtue, but we’ve so completely substituted parasociability for our social lives, it means we feel a bit more lonesome.

one thing our various systems seem to do is elevate vindictiveness as a character trait. musk, trump, desantis, obviously something has been adaptive for them and vindictiveness is the trait they most obviously share. perhaps this is an aspect of our systems we should work quite consciously to modify. or is leadership by the vindictive socially beneficial in ways that i fail to appreciate?

a bad practice unremedied is good precedent.

Very measured on the BRICS, by the guy who named the club, worth reading in the face of alarmist TicTocced takes on the subject that have become very prevalent.

(via the polycrisis newsletter by @Kmac and Tim Sahay)

Galaxy Take: Musk really *is* a free-expression champion, and he realized the world needed a lesson in just how brittle and capricious a centralized media ecosystem can be.

ht @inquiline @librarianshipwreck

in a game of chicken, no one should be congratulated for their resolve when both players go over the cliff.

This interview of Masha Gessen by David Remnick feels like a kind of oasis in all the controversializing over trans issues. ht @mikethemadbiologist

"modernity derived its cultural power and energy from an unstable ideological compound... [a] mixture of the promise an unfettered individual will realizing its desires coupled to a system which ultimately demand that human desires be managed, predicted, and channeled to serve the ends of a market economy." @lmsacasas theconvivialsociety.substack.c

About as pithy a summary as you are going to get of how social affairs work and evolve, from @DanLittle understandingsociety.blogspot.

About as pithy a summary as you are going to get of how social affairs work and evolve, from @DanLittle understandingsociety.blogspot.

America's emerging Great Firewall gets a beta test at — of course — Florida public colleges and universities. TikTok, WeChat, VKontakte, etc are banned from university networks.

@GossiTheDog it is very brave of you to post in your condition.